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5 days tour with Cape East Arctic Adventure (an example)

This is an example on a 5 days tours with Cape East Arctic Adventure. Minimum 6 persons, maximum 12. You have to get by plane to Kirkenes by yourself and will be collected at the airport in a minibus:

Day 1:

We are heading to Grense Jakobselv, passing the border station to Russia, Storskog. We are passing the oldest mountain i Norway, 2,9 million year old.

In Grense Jakobselv you will be told histories about the war in arctic and the society by the border, set in 1826.

On the way back we do make a short stop by the snow hotel in Kirkenes. You can enter if you want. It is a very special experience.

Then we are visiting the old Skolt Sàmi chapel in Neiden, 40 km from Kirkenes. Here 94 Skolt Sàmi people are buried.

We spend the night at Neiden mountain lodge.

Supper: Finnbiff, meat from reindeer. (You pay for food and drinks in Neiden)

Day 2

We start the trip on our way to Kiberg after a short story about the very dramatic evacuation of 50.000 people in oktober 1944.

We do serveral stop watching same cultur, The Varanger virgin, Roald Amundsen airship mast in Vadsø.

Supper later in Kiberg: Shrimps from The Varangerfjord.

Day 3

Get known in the fishing village, Kiberg, hiking around, see the port and the fishing boats.

Hiking at Kibergneset, Cape East, watching "Festung Kiberg" built by the German during the second world war. Visiting the Partisan-museum.

You will be told the history of Kiberg and Vardø, and the house you live in. 

If the weather is good; maybe fishing in the sea and watching the midnightsun.

Supper: KingCrab

Day 4: Birdwatching at Hornøya, 3-5 hours. Visiting the witch-memorial and the Pomor-museum in Vardø.

Trip to Hamningberg, "The End of Europe". You will watch landscape and nature you never have seen before.

Supper: Cod from yesterdays fishingtrip.

Day 5:

Everything you wish. Please ask.

For example: Visiting the museum, indoor and outdoor, in Varangerbotn one hour with car from Kiberg.

You are leaving Kiberg with boat, plane or by bus.


9.000 NOK per person. (groups with 6-8 people) If you are 4 or 5, pleace ask for price.

We make an offer according to your wishes.

(Included in the price: All transport in Varanger (minibuss), guiding and storrytelling, fishtrips, king crab catch, 4 nights stay and almost all meal.)

(You pay for everything you drink and eat at restaurants, cafe's and you also pay for visiting museum and the bird Island.)

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